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Friday, February 13, 2015

8th Grade Class Receives Immigration Assignment that Leaves One Dad Shaking His Head

At Shattuck Middle School in Wisconsin, one 8th grade class was assigned homework on the topic of immigration policy in the United States.
The homework, assigned by 8th grade Social Studies teacher Grace Davis, featured a political cartoon with a clearly labeled Democrat laying bricks to convey the building of a “pathway to citizenship,” while the Republican-labeled character is removing the bricks, effectively dismantling any immigration process. The cartoon is originally from the Chattanooga Times Free Press, not the teacher’s own creation.


  1. No. No way is this anything but propaganda, pure and simple.

    Not to be in class.

  2. That state should approve home schooling as a deterrent to accessive head shaking.He has 3 options;home schooling,private schools and public.Exposure to all beliefs and practices does not doom a child to accept such things.It merely enlightens him or her to what they will eventually encounter in society.Preparation for the inevitable is called TEACHING.And think what you may,but it is inevitable.

  3. "Preparation for the inevitable is called TEACHING."

    And intellectual manipulation is called INDOCTRINATION.

  4. Then feel free to send your son or daughter into the world completely ignorant to the world around them.


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