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Friday, January 09, 2015

You're more likely to be murdered, raped or robbed in ALASKA than any state

The latest national crime statistics show there's more to fear than just bears in Alaska.

The Land of the Midnight Sun tops the country as the state with the most violent crimes, according to the FBI's recently-released Unified Crime Report for 2013.

Violent crimes include murder, rape, aggravated assault and robbery and they happen at a much higher rate in Alaska than the bustling city of Los Angeles.

Though the violent crime rate dropped an extraordinary 4.4 per cent across the country in 2013, the top 10 most dangerous states remained pretty much the same - with Arkansas replacing Oklahoma to enter the list.



  1. I think I'd take my chances on the streets of Haines Alaska rather than Baltimore...

  2. having spent significant time on the Kenai Peninsula, I would take there to here any day....except for the quakes....and the lack of jobs which is why I moved to the east coast. Was pretty quiet up there all things considered with the exception of theft - we always left our car doors unlocked to keep them from freezing and that led to all sorts of fun....

  3. Damn Alaskan liberals... oh wait

  4. While I didn't read the article, I can guess how they came up with the numbers. They took the crimes per capita. Being as Alaska is pretty empty compared to other places it makes the numbers skewed.

  5. 4:58
    Dude they took crimes per capita for all the other states too...

  6. But what about all those Alaskan gun owners!

  7. Nothing better to do!


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