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Thursday, January 15, 2015

WRONG AGAIN: Greenland’s Ice Sheet Defies Critics With 4-Year High

Despite fears that global warming is harming the Arctic region faster than the rest of the world, Greenland is defying climate scientists and currently growing at its fastest rate in four years.

The Danish Meteorological Institute reports that Greenland’s ice sheet has seen more growth so far this year than in the last four years. Greenland’s growth in 2015 is also higher than the mean growth for 1990 to 2011.



  1. Every prediction made by the IPCC and the global warming alarmists since 1998 has been wrong, but those libtards out there still think global warming is a crisis.

  2. Predictions of imbalance have been spot on.Cherry picking a specific&tiny area of the world to prove a point fails to prove anything.

  3. That is exactly what the left have been doing , they picked a certain area with declining ice and ignored other places in the world that the ice has been increasing for years

  4. Guess gores money making scheme has failed...junk science


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