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Friday, January 23, 2015

Worcester Accepts $117K Tourism Grant

SNOW HILL — Worcester officials this week accepted a grant from the Maryland Tourism Development Board totaling nearly $117,000 for the county’s advertising budget for 2015.

Each year, Worcester County Tourism receives a grant from the state for advertising and marketing. Tourism director Lisa Challenger told the County Commissioners on Tuesday each county in Maryland along with other select jurisdictions receive the grants each year from a formula based on the level of county advertising expenditures and the performance of tourism tax revenues. This year, based on the current formula, Worcester County’s cooperative marketing grant from the state came in at $116.794.

The grant amount varies each year due to the level of the state grant pool and depending on levels of advertising expenditures in other counties across Maryland. Based on Challenger’s recommendation, the Worcester County Commissioners agreed to accept the state grant on Tuesday.



  1. AND how much did Wicomico county get???

  2. Nothing, fool.... You people don't want grants. Handouts, you know.


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