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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Wind turbine collapses in Northern Ireland

Investigation after 328-foot turbine buckles at wind farm in County Tyrone despite only light winds

A 328-foot tall wind turbine worth more than £2 million has buckled and collapsed on a mountainside in Northern Ireland.

Unconfirmed reports suggested the blades of the turbine had spun out of control - despite only light wind speeds - before the structure came crashing to the ground on Friday.

Locals claimed the sound of the turbine hitting the mountain could be heard up to seven miles away from the Screggagh wind farm, near Fintona in County Tyrone.

Some people compared it to an explosion while others claimed to have heard the sound of metal grinding throughout the day.

No-one was injured in the incident, which left debris scattered across the wind farm site.



  1. Turbine Debris was flung 1/2 mile from the base. This is why setbacks must be at least 1/2 mile for 400' turbines and 1 mile for 600-700' turbines. Better yet, lets stop putting this junk in our communities.

  2. If they actually produced the electric they advertised, it'd be another matter, but they don't. Plus they can freeze and must draw electricity from the evil grid to keep them moving. Waste of time, money and real estate.

  3. Hard to believe that the Somerset county commissioners want to put 50 of these monsters in the county. They seem to accept anything that has a promise of money attached to it. Windmills are dangerous and Somerset should not allow them, period.

  4. Pioneer Green has lied to everyone about this dangerous junk. The DOD report just released proves what Safe For Somerset has said all along. Please do not destroy our property and environment so the land hoarders can get rich-er.

  5. @9:45, yes, lets save all that land for strip malls and coal plants!


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