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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Will Wicomico EVER Get An Elected Board of Education?

Not Unless County Council Gets Off the Dime

As long as Wicomico County voters aren’t allowed to have a say in who runs their public schools they will continue to see a school system that grows in bureaucracy and borrows to build new schools rather than adequately maintain existing buildings. All anecdotal evidence indicates that a majority of voters favor a school board elected in the same manner as the county council – five members by district and two members at large. The only way to receive objective evidence is a vote at the polls; something that certain special interest groups want to deny Wicomico voters.

An elected school board will not be a silver bullet to correct the problems our public schools face; it certainly won’t yield worse results than we’ve seen to date. However, the powers that be continue to stonewall the county’s voters.

How can we get an elected school board? It all starts with the County Council. They need to pass a resolution which would (hopefully) be signed by newly elected County Executive Bob Culver. Members of the county’s legislative delegation would then be asked to sponsor a bill in Annapolis calling for a question to be placed on the 2016 ballot. If the question received a majority vote of Wicomico voters, it would then fall on the legislature to approve a bill allowing for an elected school board.



  1. To get the ball rolling, everyone should e-mail all the county council members and ask when this issue will be placed on the agenda.

  2. It seems like a long process but if we don't get started it will never happen.


    First of all, everyone needs to become a REGISTERED voter.

    The Liberals on the Shore have every single one of you STUMPED because too many of you are too lazy to get off your butts and simply register.

    When elections come around, this will truly scare the crap out of the Liberals because this is how they trick you.

    If you were to petition your legislators and file for a referendum you need to garnish a certain percentage of the REGISTERED voters. Guess What, I'd say about NINETY PERCENT of the people ON the registration list are complete BS! Liberals do NOT want to purge the list and clear the BS names off of it so that you can never move anything forward.

    However, IF you register it will force change. It's a CON. The Liberals have known this for DECADES. Hell, register as a Democrat, that will really screw them up. You can always vote Republican. LMAO

  4. Cannon and Matt are trying to block putting it on the agenda, you heard it here first

  5. Glad to see GA alive and well -- can't wait o see how JT tries to trash him this time.

  6. that's what I did Joe I'm a relocated independent and when I found out I was unable to vote in the Democratic primaries.. I went and registered Democrat that way I can always throw a wrench in dem primaries and then vote rep on election day

  7. You all ready for SCHOOL VOUCHERS YET

  8. Great idea Joe Hahaha. So true...everything you said!


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