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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Wicomico County Gets Michael Pretl's Farewell Address

And just who, some may ask, is Michael Pretl? A lawyer who surfaced here about 10 years ago after a career on the Western Shore and an ultra-liberal Democrat activist whose endeavors have stifled growth and development under the umbrella of the Wicomico Environmental Trust among other things.

His electoral efforts have been less successful. Some years ago, when he lived in her councilmanic District, he lost to Gail Bartkovich, and this year he failed in his bid for the Democrat Central Committee. Also, he was the campaign guru for Ronald Pagano, the dirt ball who terminated his candidacy for the County Council prior to the primary election after his odious record was exposed by this blog.

Mr. Pretl, as the current and now outgoing president of the Wicomico County Democrat Club, is at least partially responsible for the drubbing of his party in last year's county election due in large part to the quality and views of its candidates -- besides Pagano, the likes of Josh Hastings, Laura Mitchell and Rick Pollitt – backed by those who control the Democrat party in Wicomico County and have supported Pretl.

In his party role, Mr. Pretl has just issued an absurd statement, which of course has been published in the Daily Times, speculating that the Democrats will "re-ascend to a leadership role” after “Republicans have had their turn at governing." His pompous palaver opens with a nonsensical notion that "Democrats are the party of optimism" and "believe in productive, cost-effective government."

Mr. Pretl apparently believes that his Democrat comrades have an unquenchable thirst for his hemlock infused Kool-Aid.


  1. Pretl and Phil Tilghman were Pollitt's brain trust. No doubt they recruited Pagano to run against Joe Holloway but never checked out his record in Ohio and elsewhere.

  2. He lives in a mc-mansion on the Nanticoke River, in the "Critical Area" where he doesn't want anyone else to build a home.

  3. This guy is a liberal dipshit.

  4. Well as we all know that democrats are not able to think for themselves. No at Obama for example

  5. his "leftist ideas" will not be accepted by most of Wicomico County.

  6. He's not wrong. Republicans are dipshits and the County will be blue again in 4 years.

    The Executive Branch of the Country itself will be Blue in two years, as well.

    1. This message brought to you by a MORON that should be deported
      to the western shore.

  7. After the lack of leadership by Pollitt, I don't believe the Dems supported him at all as they realized he was a loser. And for the great Phil Tilghman to call himself Pollitt's campaign finance chair and then raised no money shows just how little they wanted Pollitt to win. Pretl's DT article was laughable. The tax and spend Dems are the party of optimism and cost effective government??? He is delusional.

  8. Pollitt, Tilghman and Pretl have put their party and Wicomico County in the toilet. Pretty soon, unless Bob Culver can stop it, you will hear a loud sucking noise as we go down the tube.

  9. Pretle is another one of those who feels he is the smartest person in the room. It must only be he that believes it in that he can't win an election. Why doesn't he move to Florida with Prettyman?

  10. Pretl is confused, and delusional. For a man who is supposedly educated is probably one of the dumbest people in the area. Out of touch with reality, and he drinks the same kool-aid that Obama, Omally,Pollitt, inhale.He is as significant to the democratic party as the Bozo Al Sharpton. Pretl just go away, you have made a fool of yourself long enough.

  11. All the crookedness of the past council. And the FOP expects us to believe the collective bargaining was by the books? Smdh. Re vote the matter Bob

  12. The voters KNOW that it is the Democrats who have destroyed Wicomico County. The culture is SICK. Culver has a HUGE job to try and fix this mess. I applaud the fact that he is getting rid of those who act like there is an endless stream of money to fund their pet projects. Beauchamp was too young and immature to be a department head. He acted like all money was his to spend any way he wanted. Those of us who voted for Culver want CHANGE. We want to cut the waste in government and despite what the Democrats say there is plenty. My guess is that Culver is learning more and more each day about bad decisions and plans for spending and taxing that hopefully he can stop. The RINOs on the council are a problem. This will be a real test of where Cannon falls, he is a buddy of Strasberg. Matt Holloway is a lost cause, he should just change his party affiliation to liberal Dem. Hall is trying to flex his muscles, but he isn't very smart and is easily led. Culver needs all the help he can get.

  13. We don't want him in FL I moved here to get away from those a holes. Took my money and fled wicomico county.

  14. That they could only enlist the likes of Pagano, Hastings and Mitchell as their Council candidates shows the sorry state of the Democrat party in Wicomico County.

  15. Please let me know where he moving
    to. I sure want to avoid that address
    Mike -- I hope door smacks your
    ass on your way out!!

  16. Somebody please send this idiot a bra.

  17. Being a progressive liberal gives one the right to be a scumbag without integrity. It allows one to lower his or her moral standards to levels of corruption, indecency and perversion without fear or worry of public castigation or discrimination.
    In their twisted world, they wear public displays of indiscretion as a badge of honor to be proud of.
    Their policies are always resounding failures that they claim are successful because, again, they lower standards to a degree that assures them an outcome they can cite as productive when in fact their success is a sham. A twist of words, or spin.
    Obama does it on a regular basis.
    "Unemployment is down due to my policies"! Yup. He puts nearly 100 million people completely out of the job market to the point they stop looking for work, then stops counting them on the unemployment roles.

    Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists. All the same anti Americans.

  18. January 8, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    J. Holloway, Kilmer and Dodd will be the best council members to help keep this county afloat. RINO's Cannon, M. Holloway and Hall are just on the council to feel good about themselves or move to a higher position. Cannon may even try to run for County Executive in the next election.

  19. 5:34 - the RINOs will vote as a block with the lone Dem, which means Culver's goals will be stymied. The only hope is the public to put pressure on the RINOs to be true Republicans. Matt Holloway is a lost cause. He might as well be a Pollitt mini-me.

  20. 1:09 that could apply to other area counties also

  21. I can't stand daily times most recent article with Matt Holloway commenting on his best buds termination. I hope Culver comes out swinging.


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