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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What Harrisburg, Pa. Patriot-News readers say about Perdue: By Ray Wallace

     Eliminate the state grants and tax breaks to Perdue and all other major corporations. They use the roads and bridges. They consume government services. They should pay their taxes just like their employees do.

     If you've ever seen how Perdue raises chickens and the DRUGS they use to fatten up the birds before slaughtering them, you could understand why Perdue has no concern for human life either.

     Its all about the money. Their chicken is not only loaded with drugs and hormones, but are packaged with enough SALT to turn you into a pillar of salt. Yuck.

     I stopped buying their garbage food years ago.


  1. Another miss informed idiot! FDA does not allow for hormone use in poultry or swine animal feeds...only allowed in beef cattle and sheep! This guy has some type of personal agenda, but, in general most of us are smart enough to laugh at his stupidity and ignore his ramblings...

  2. Although it has some inaccuracy, this shows how those in other areas increasingly see Perdue.

    And they don't know the half of it!

  3. It's all about the cash , the cash , not "all about the Bass" as Megan Trainor says. This is still a free enterprise system , but not for long.
    I have NO problem with Perdue , I do have a problem with government , Obama , and people trying to criminalize free enterprise.
    Bitch , bitch and complain.

  4. They don't care about the consumer....or their employees.....

    Just look at how much money the family has while they laid off hundreds of hard workers with good paying jobs....

  5. Yes, that is called business...not charity my friends. Every business must watch their cost, and that may include layoffs to keep profits, maybe Labinal Power would not be leaving???? I for one am proud to see the Perdue family wealthy it tells me they are surviving and makng it work while other family owned businesses are gone!

  6. The only problem I have is that so many of their employees are supplemented by tax payers in the form of welfare benefits and make use of a lot of non profits for food and other necessities.
    Not only are tax payers paying for their employees, but these employees can't afford homes and are a major reason why home prices haven't kept up with other areas and the reason the city is overwhelmingly rental properties.
    There is an up side to Perdue/Tysons/Mountaire and even Walmart and other low paying employers, but there is definitely a downside. When you complain about a tax on this and a tax on that and a fee on this and a fee on that, be sure to keep in mind that the government has to pay for these low wage employees somehow.

    1. Employees are paid a wage based on the value of their employable skills. Joe...you may want to screen out the socialists. They need some time in a few economics courses.

  7. so sick of seeing this posted again and again. enough already. I still say this man is an idiot. Perdue follows ALL government standards. complain to the government. don't keep complaining about Perdue. tired of reading this same junk over and over.


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