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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Watch "MORE WTC Military Plane Evidence - Dozen Witnesses"


  1. the people we know of (that were reported on the manifests) on the planes. how did they actually get killed? were they, in fact, on these planes? too many questions with this "theory"...

  2. Better video needed here, but the very beginning of the film begs questions.

    Why, before anything "happens", is there someone with a cell cam and a full dress fireman on the ground with the towers in the background? And that video never shows any plane.


  3. There was a French film crew doing a documentary on a probationary fireman at a firehouse in lower manhattan. They just happened to already be there on that dreadful day. You all have lost your minds talking about the government flying military planes into the trade center. How would the flight towers and FAA know which flight went missing and which one to contact (I.e. American Airlines and United airlines)?

    1. Hahahaha you didn't know the government was connected. Hahahaha

  4. AA planes are white and some are shiny silver. NOT dark gray. Commercial air planes do NOT have attachments on the under belly. There are no markings what so ever on the plane here. Oh and the mysterious unmarked white jet that was seen that day circling,,,,, anyone from Andrews AFB knows what that plane is;)

  5. 9:04 please watch "Loose Change" on YouTube while you still can!

  6. watch " In Plane sight " documentary on you tube. Make your own decision.

  7. Whenever someone accuses me of being an antigovernment conspiricy nut on this I just say "explain building 7".

  8. Anyone who believes these were military planes is stupid. The guy stating it could have been a "drone". Drones weren't around then. Some very creative editing and splicing for gullible fools.


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