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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

VP Biden Says He Has ‘Plenty Of Time’ To Weigh Presidency

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden says “I think I could do a good job” as president but says it’s too soon to say if he’ll try to succeed Barack Obama.

Biden says “being president and being leader of the Senate is two different things,” noting a vice president’s constitutional responsibility to occasionally preside over the Senate.

He tells NBCs “Today” show “I was fairly effective getting controversial things resolved,” citing his work on the Violence Against Women Act when he was a member of the Senate representing Delaware.



  1. Memo to Slow Joe:

    IIRC you netted around 8,500 total votes across the country in the primaries the last time you ran for resident.

    Since then more people have had a chance to enjoy 'the real you'. And to see 2/3 of your kids tied into drug abuse.

    You'll be a formidable candidate...in your own mind.

  2. Surely he's joking!

  3. Thank you, Joseph.

    After Bammy's BS on Tuesday I needed a good laugh.

  4. Slow Joe needs to stay in slower lower Delaware.

  5. He apparently has lost his mind. He has always been Obama's insurance policy against assassination!

  6. It's bad enough to have a fool for pres but we most certainly do not need an idiot for one!

  7. Can't he just take his 6 figure retirement, and go have dementia somewhere else? Go away Joe.

  8. This goes to show what going on in that man's head. Nothing close to reality.

  9. Please run Forest, you idiot.

  10. He wasn't too with it before his brain surgery (yes, lest you've forgotten), but he has become completely daft since it. He will not run because he has NO support, from either his party or the country. Maybe a few people that liked him in Delaware might vote for him, it would be laughable to see how many votes he could get in any primary election.

  11. Shows just how out of touch the VP is. He thinks his PRIMARY role as VP is to be "leader of the Senate", which is a side job, at best, for a VP. He sees it that way because he has NO role in the Presidency as VP, other than standing by waiting for the president to die.


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