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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Veteran dies after VA failed to grant him a check up for his cancer

A Vietnam veteran denied a vital cancer checkup for more than a year by the VA in Atlanta died at home on Saturday.

Great-grandfather, Norman Spivey, 64, passed away from complications arising from Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his liver and lymph nodes.

He was seen for the first time and diagnosed as terminal in July and Spivey's wife, Gayla, has revealed her fury at the fatal delay.

'I have no way of knowing that if he had had a colonoscopy a year ago, that the outcome would be any different,' said Gayla to WMAZ.

'But there's always that possibility. A year? A year to work with it. You know? I mean, it may not have spread to the liver. It may not have spread to the lymph nodes.

'It may be okay. But right now, it's not. Right now, it's not okay. It's just not okay.'

Spivey's treatment is another scandalous example of mismanagement at the VA, making former armed forces veterans wait more than a year for an appointment and then publishing secret waiting lists to hide the delays.

When the shameful treatment of the nation's veterans was made public in May, VA administrator Eric Shinseki was forced to resign.



  1. I have a local friend that travels to the Veterans center in Cambridge and he has been told he has a suspicious place but then they told him that it is of no concern. They are not willing to address it and are advising him against surgery to find out what it is. When first told about this he wanted to know what it is and insisted that it be removed and they have now labeled him as a difficult patient and are treating him (according to him) like crap. If he dies...I will personally expose how he has been treated to his extended family and let them decide what needs to be done. I would also like to know who the local doctor was that saw him to tell him he was OK. Can't find him listed in any practice at all. He is unaware of this.

  2. I do not understand why they are not using their medicare and going elsewhere.
    Why solely rely on an agency that is not going to help you.
    Do what you have to, to take care of yourself.

  3. Good point 11:01 don't trust the government with your life!

  4. Some vets are not old enough for medicare yet. LOTS of vets are not old enough yet.


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