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Thursday, January 15, 2015

US Retail Sales Drop Most Since June 2012 (And Don't Blame Gas Prices)

But but but... US retail advanced sales dropped a stunning 0.9% MoM (massively missing expectations of a 0.1% drop). The last time we saw a bigger monthly drop was June 2012. Want to blame lower gas prices - think again... Retail Sales ex Autos and Gas also fell 0.3% (missing an exuberantly hopeful expectation of +0.5% MoM) and the all-important 'Control Group' saw sales fall 0.4% (missing expectations of a 0.4% surge). Boom goes the narrative.

Advance Retail Sales massively missed For Dec.



  1. Thank you Obama and the rest of you libtard democrats!

  2. No one has any money to spend on retail items, because everyone's paying for health care.


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