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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

$Trillion Sandy Hook Lawsuit Motion to File and Standing Protective Order

On December 22, 2014 author and filmmaker William Shanley filed a trillion dollar lawsuitagainst several dozen of the world’s most powerful corporate media outlets and figures for what he terms “a multi-year conspiracy,” to “brainwash the public into thinking a lone gunman drill known as the Sandy Hook Massacre was real, when in fact, it was a staged FEMA National Level Exercise Event that redirected government resources to terrorize the public.”

Upon filing the legal papers U.S. District Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer issued the following Standing Protective Order to shield all materials pertaining to the case from disclosure.

Shanley has not been heard from since December 30 by parties he had been in regular contact with throughout late 2014. Several individuals, including journalists and law enforcement officers, have disappeared or died under unusual circumstances in the two years since the December 2012 incident.-JFT



  1. I told you every one pays the piper soon enough...

    That goes for you to cops... Who insist they will be ok when they get done using you to beat us into submitting...

    Same thing with the Ferguson eye witnesses... being found dead in ditches with unusual circumstances...

  2. 8:10 you need help dude. Put the bottle down and dry out.

  3. 12:56 you need to wake the heck up.

  4. lol I guess Hiltler was a fake. Death camps a fake. J.F.K. drinking on beach in the keys lol.


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