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Friday, January 23, 2015

Tricare Users Must Self Identify on 2014 Tax Forms

Tricare users will need to identify themselves and their families on their 2014 tax forms as having healthcare coverage, Defense Department officials said, or risk paying a fine.

The Affordable Care Act requires Americans to hold what is known as "minimum essential coverage," for their healthcare, either through their employer or purchased elsewhere. Those who did not have that coverage for 2014 could be charged a series of fees.

But not every Tricare user may meet those requirements, officials warned. Some dependent parents and parents-in-law receive Tricare as part of the Tricare Plus program, which allows them to use some military treatment facilities. That care does not meet the minimum coverage requirements, and those users could face fines if they do not purchase additional coverage, officials said.



  1. In other words, Government Insurance doesn't come up to Government Standards?

  2. 5:30 Not true. Tricare Plus doesn't meet the standard. Active and retired military are covered by Tricare Prime.

  3. I thought any insurance that did not meet Obammy Care minimum standards were outlawed? Or has our pres allowed this in order to help our fine military families(sic). We all know how he loves the military and all who have served! It is a damn shame that someone I lnow has better medical coverage collecting SSI than those who were and are willing to give their lives for this country, a damn shame!

  4. Tricare also fell short by not allowing dependents to be eligible for coverage until age 26, as was mandated for other medical insurance. This alone cost military families, active, reserve and retired alike, billions of dollars.

  5. "This alone cost military families, active, reserve and retired alike, billions of dollars."

    That quote is total BS.

  6. So it sounds like Tricare Plus is for parents and parents in law. Why is the government covering them? They should have their own insurance (non-military) coverage.

  7. "So it sounds like Tricare Plus is for parents and parents in law."

    As the article stated it is for parents who are dependents of the military member allowing them to be treated at a military treatment facility. Same as the military members dependent children or spouse.


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