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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Texas lawmakers to feds: Leave us alone

Continued federal overreach

State lawmakers hope to send a clear message to the federal government this year: Don’t mess with Texas.

Already, more than a dozen bills have been filed to push back against what their sponsors say is a continued federal overreach.

Touching on issues from guns to the 10th Amendment, state lawmakers are calling on the federal government to do everything from repaying the costs Texas incurred for dealing with people illegally in the country to abolishing the income tax system.

“This is a recurring theme in Texas history, going all the way back to the early years of statehood,” said Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. “The Southern perspective is that the federal government is responsible for interstate commerce and foreign relations and states are in charge of everything inside the state’s borders.”

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  1. I think Texas gets about 90 billion in federal aid each year. When can we expect the refund check from them?

  2. We should let them rejoin Mexico, their true home.

  3. Seems that southern perspective was put to rest with the civil war. Haven't they heard?

  4. @1:45 The 90 billion Texas receive is less than what they SEND to federal treasury each year; so don't expect the refund. Don't forget the treasury is not the SOURCE of the dollars they spend.

  5. 3:43 don't try to argue with idiots.
    Liberals hate facts.

  6. @ 1:45 the federal government has no funds until they confiscate it from sheeple like the Texans. But they are known for coersing states to give them their own money back. Pretty clever scam huh?


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