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Friday, January 09, 2015

Stewart Mocks NYPD Slowdown: ‘To Protect and Serve’ Now ‘To Chill and Reflect’

Jon Stewart tonight addressed the tension between NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD. And he couldn’t resist making fun of the NYPD slowdown, or as he put it, “a public safety staycation.”

In fact, Stewart said, “to serve and protect” has now been changed to “to chill and reflect.”

Then correspondent Jason Jones took to the streets to show off “the new New York,” where you can drink outside, park wherever the hell you want, make a drug deal just feet away from a cop, and even sell illegal DVDs on the street or punch the crap out of a dude in an Elmo suit.

All of which he did.

Watch the video below, via Comedy Central:


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