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Saturday, January 03, 2015

SPD Press Release 1-3-15 (“Blazing a Trail for Literacy”)


  1. Will they be judged on the quality of their book reports? How will the winners be chosen, or will all who "participate" get a "prize"?

  2. Spd is the one that needs help with literacy, just look at their press releases!

  3. This is a joke. Anything for job security.

    Obviously the Salisbury Fire Department has to much time on there hands if they have time to pretend to be interested in literacy. Funny thing is many of the paid Farmin are uneducated and high school drop outs. It's obvious their levels of literacy when they make those ignorant and threatening comments on here.

  4. I have an idea! Instead of wasting time with the little thugettes why don't they spend time on Recruitment and Retention of volunteers.

    I bet no one from the fire department is participating in the program for recruiting and retaining through the Maryland State Firemen's Association.

    MSFA Announcement: MSFA Recruitment and Retention Committee

    The following announcement has been posted on MSFA:

    MSFA Recruitment and Retention Committee

    This is a reminder that the next meeting of the Recruitment and Retention committee will be held on January 28th at the Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad. This meeting is open to all interested personnel.
    The WVRS is hosting dinner at 6pm and the meeting will begin at 7 pm. We will adjourn by 9pm.
    Please let the chairman know if you plan to attend.

    2400 Arcola Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902
    (301) 949-4044

    Posted By: Joseph Chornock

  5. So, according to the press release, a fireman will read the book FOR AND TO the students for 20 minutes a day? How will winners be determined from that? What are the specific rules of competition? What makes this a contest?

    And secondly, where will they find that many Farmin that can read for 20 minutes?


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