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Monday, January 26, 2015

SPD Press Release 1-26-14 (Shoplifting)


  1. It's 9:54 and no one has commented about Nick yet.

  2. Are we supposed to know him (Nick)?

  3. Lol I was thinking the same thing 9:54. Me and my wife tried to help this man about 2 months ago. We seen him standing holding his sign and decided to offer him a chance that I don't think any truly homeless person would turn down. Our oldest son had moved out of the house to go north for work for a couple of months so we had an extra room. While out shopping we seen nick and called him over to our car and made an offer of room and board even went so far as to offer him help getting a job and a ride back and fourth which we would provide. I couldn't believe it he turned me down flat. He went on to tell me he had multiple camps set up around town with his belongings split between them because he didn't want spd trashing his camp like they had done in the past. So I then asked, well what do you do in bad weather when it's freezing and raining? His response was that he had a place in Delmar he could go that a friend let him sleep there in such times. Right then I knew the whole story of him being homeless is all a lie! If and that's a big if he is by chance homeless it is simply because he chose to be. I offered this man a home till he got on his feet and he turned it down flat out. He made every excuse he could as to why he couldn't take my offer . His main argument was that I lived in powellville. I'm sorry if I was homeless and someone offered me the same as I did him I would have jumped on it. This guy is nothing more than a scam artist. If you see him begging just know if you give him money YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED.

  4. Where did he steal from? WalMart?


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