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Saturday, January 03, 2015

Senators seek information on FBI cell tracking

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Wednesday they were seeking answers from the Obama administration about federal law enforcement's use of surveillance technology that sweeps up basic cellphone data.

In a bipartisan letter to the departments of Justice and Homeland Security, Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, described a recent policy change by the FBI that they said had left them with additional questions about how the equipment was used and about what privacy protections were in place.

"The Judiciary Committee needs a broader understanding of the full range of law enforcement agencies that use this technology, the policies in place to protect the privacy interests of those whose information might be collected using these devices, and the legal process that DOJ and DHS entities seek prior to using them," the senators wrote.


1 comment:

  1. In my opinion land lines are being intentionally eliminated & old cell phone service has become intentionally slower.For some years I would use a payphone for sensitive calls when I was away from home but now they have been all but eliminated.We're all being corralled into using state of the art cell phones to enable the power that be to have their finger on our pulse at all times.


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