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Saturday, January 03, 2015

See This Guy Get Through a DUI Checkpoint Without Saying a Word — Thanks to What He Hung Out His Car Window

When it comes to DUI checkpoints, 2013 and 2014 were both years of belligerent Constitutional confrontations.

Could 2015 be the year those confrontations cool off — thanks to plastic bags hanging out of car windows?

In a video posted to YouTube Thursday, longtime police recording activist Jeff Gray tests out a novel approach to DUI checkpoints in Florida: putting license, registration and insurance information in a plastic freezer bag, along with a Fair DUI message:
I remain silent

No searches

I want my lawyer



  1. No longer! Your fourth amendment rights were taken by obamas supreme Court flunky this past Monday! Just the start! Its crazy how all these people for losing rights claim they hate Obama and are Republicans! No wonder our country is screwed.

  2. And nobody voted for him.


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