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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Saudi Arabian woman beheaded for murdering daughter in leaked video

A woman beheaded in a Saudi street for killing her husband's six-year-old daughter screams her innocence in graphic footage of the execution uploaded to the Internet.

An executioner in Mecca, the holy city, took two swings to hack off Layla bint Abdul Mutaleb Bassim's head, after she was found guilty of beating the girl and raping her with a broomstick.

The incident has sparked outrage in the country, but not because of the brutal punishment meted out. Rather Saudis are up in arms that the execution was filmed and posted online, where the woman's family might see it.



  1. My Lord,what is worse, beating and raping your six year old, or hacking off the head of the "mother" on film as a "usual" punishment?

    We, as Christians, or as these people see us as "Non Believers", are targets for beheadings as well.

    It's time to draw a line in the sand here.

  2. .......barbaric animals.

  3. How low can one go? It amazes me every time...

  4. Islam is a satanic, pagan belief. At best a cult, at worst an organized criminal enterprise. The false prophet, muhammad, was, in his day, an international terrorist, pedophile, thief and more. ANYONE, who follows Islam is truly someone to avoid, stay away from, and cannot be trusted. These Mohammadans are evil savages.

  5. The story is, the woman was not Saudi, her husband raped and killed his own child by another woman (whom he had executed for being seen in public with another man) so she took the fall for the childs death, and...off with her head.
    Arabs, Muslims...Islam.
    The culture of the stone age!

  6. I sure hope that's not really true 7:05, my understanding the actual murderer is on the street


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