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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Revenge attacks begin as mosques come under fire in France

Revenge attacks on Muslim places of worship have begun in France following yesterday's massacre at the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

Mosques, prayer halls and a kebab shop near a Muslim temple were targeted in the early hours of the morning following the terrorist attack - in which 12 people were murdered by suspected Islamist fanatics.

The retaliation comes as French citizens, and the international community, attempt to come to terms with yesterday's shocking and deadly assault on free speech.



  1. When are we going to wake up and start targeting these radicals?!

  2. Making those people no better than the attackers.

    1. No point in trying to speak any sense on here 11:01. Some idiot will just call you a liberal because they are too simple to come up with any substantial reply.

  3. Replies
    1. How is that in any way, shape, or form eye for an eye? I'll break it down since intelligence seems to be lacking. Lets say "Tom" stabs your eye out, and you in turn stab "bob's" eye out because he knows Tom. Does that affect Tom? No. Tom still has both his eyes. Get it?

  4. 11:01 - if you want to win a war, you have to be meaner than your opponent.

    We were allowed to open the can of super-Whoop-ass against Japan in the 40's to end that war there....would the mamby-pamby's today allow us to win that decisively today? NFW!

  5. 11:01 Excuse me but this is the only way you can deal with these people. Unfortunately, and like it or not, sometimes we have to fight fire with fire. The world is at war with Islamist cult people. The USA is under attack now by these people and much of their support is coming from inside our own government. We must take a firm stand now before it's to late.

  6. If at first you don't succeed, RELOAD !

  7. 11:01 and 11:29 its like this, the islamists believe that they will stop at nothing to destroy non believers, it is at these mosques that they preach this hate, the French have allowed them to basically take control of parts of their cities, now if you dare speak out against them they turn military on you. so I guess empathy is the answer

  8. GOOD! It's overdue!

  9. 11:29 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor so we blew Japan almost off the map. Get it?

    1. Yes, and extremists blew up the world trade, so we responded by invading Iraq. And Afghanistan. And now Iraq/Syria is the hot bed of terrorist activity and Islamic extremism, and we are leaving Afghanistan. Which will be in short order taken back over by terrorists. But please, bestow some more of your wisdom upon me.

  10. It's only free speech when they're doing the speaking... apparently.

    1. They can speak to my shotgun.

  11. Hey 11:26-Is that the best "substantial" contribution you can make to the conversation here? I see plenty of substantial replies. It is just that you, my liberal friend, are too simple to understand them.

    1. I'm not a liberal at all, which makes it all that more amusing when morons resort to saying that, instead of having anything "substantial" to say. By plenty of substantial replies, you mean multiple comments comparing this to imperial Japan, and the use of the atomic bomb? Because that's totally an applicable comparison here.

  12. EXACTLY 11:42. The mosques are where the extremism is bred. Common sense and intelligence dictates you take out the root of the problem but trying to explain that to 11:26 and the other 'liberals' is completely useless.
    Don't forget as per democrat insider Jonathan Gruber, they are "stupid" and they show it constantly.

    1. LOL!! Yes because these comments from, quote unquote, conservatives are the epitome of intelligence and common sense. I believe gruber was talking about all Americans. If you want to restrict it to democratic voters, I assure you that I am not. I probably would vote the same way you would on a ballot. But thanks for reiterating my point of "conservatives" on here being unable to debate the merits of any statement or point, and instead relying on childish name calling like "dumb liberals" and the use of conservative radio talking points.

  13. We need more surveillance on AMERICAN MOSQUES not American People.

  14. "Conservative" bullying has really hit a new high (or low). You think weed should be legalized and taxed? Dumb liberal. You think gays should be allowed to marry if it doesn't affect you? Dumb liberal. You don't think we should commit genocide against Muslims and burn down mosques? Dumb liberal.

    Wow, that escalated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand!!

  15. Jars of pickled pig feet tossed on the front steps of Muslim Masques will cause them to be torn down, end of problem!

  16. I say burn the mosques to the ground and their businesses!

  17. When a mudslime terrorist has frequented a known mosque then it needs to be bulldozed.

  18. >>>Lets say "Tom" stabs your eye out, and you in turn stab "bob's" eye out because he knows Tom.<<<

    That analogy doesn't work, 11:29. Instead, let's say that Abdul comes in the room shrieking about Allah and stabs you, beheads Tom, and shoots Bob. Muslim websites rejoice and Islamic clerics celebrate the successful jihad. 'Moderate' muslims sit around with their thumbs up their collective asses. Get it?

    1. I don't think you understand what an analogy is. Nice try though.

  19. I used to be one of these 'don't condemn all muslims for the crimes of a few' types. The math just doesn't support that crap anymore. It isn't Buddhists, Jews, Wiccans, or Episcopalians that you read about murdering people in the name of their religions. So-called 'moderate' muslims need to cleanse their own communities - otherwise, they are just as guilty.

  20. I won't call you names for being a liberal, but you are seriously mistaken with your naive views of the problem. Although once you submit and fall in line everything will be ok. of course if you don't then your head will be separated from your body! which probably won't be much of a problem for the rest of us! I choose to keep mine attached.

  21. I don't know anything about France,or if they have the same freedoms as we do on this side of the pond.If they do,they should understand that mocking ANY religion is inappropriate.We are in a world full of naïve people for anyone anywhere not to realize the potential of retaliation.There have been numerous high profile incidents leading up to this in various countries,so the warning shots had been fired repeatedly.The message is so simple that even an American should be capable of understanding it;don't make fun of any religion period.To disagree with it is perfectly OK,just DO NOT MAKE FUN OF IT.

  22. These attacks were totally unsuccessful as there are no dead muslims.

  23. Of course they were unsuccessful. Bluffs almost always are.


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