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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Report: Ravens Tipped Off Colts About Patriots Deflating Balls

Fox Sports’ Jay Glazer has reported that the Ravens warned the the Colts about The Patriots deflating balls.

“The Indianapolis Colts were tipped off to this before the game ever even happened.Whether or not it was from the last time they played, I was told it was people from inside Baltimore, from the Baltimore Ravens.”

“The NFL was already planning to inspect the balls at halftime, despite D’Qwell Jackson‘s interception originally being reported as the cause.”

Colts Head Coach, Chuck Pagano, is a former Ravens Defensive Coordinator.



  1. A continuation of the assault on the NFL.Think about it,it started a year or more ago.Now that people are biting it continues.Anyone who can't see this as a very deiliberate attempt to destroy the NFL isn't seeing clearly.What next?

  2. So why didn't they switch balls at half time from one team to the other. Seems fair to me and stupid of them.

  3. Brady said he chose the footballs. How does he chose the footballs if the Officials checked them and supposedly locked them up?

  4. Why do teams "bring their own balls? Why doesn't the NFL provide them? They are making money hand over fist. No team should be involved at all.

  5. Is Chuck Pagano related to Ron "Dirtball" Pagano?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Is Chuck Pagano related to Ron "Dirtball" Pagano?

    January 22, 2015 at 8:27 PM

    LOL. I was thinking the same thing.


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