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Monday, January 26, 2015

Possible measles case in a 12-month-old from Baltimore

BALTIMORE —The Baltimore Health Department is investigating a possible measles case in a 12-month-old Baltimore resident

There has not been a documented case of measles in Baltimore in the past decade.

Baltimore has high vaccination rates, with nearly 99 percent of public school children being vaccinated.

“We are working very closely with local hospitals, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, as well as the Centers for Disease Control, to determine the specifics of the case, as well as to investigate potential contacts,” Health Commissioner Leana Wen, M.D., said. “This is a quickly-evolving situation. BCHD staff, including the Office of Acute Communicable Diseases, epidemiologists, immunization staff, and doctors are working around the clock to gather further information about this case so that we can best protect the public and serve Baltimore.”



  1. Moral of the story: GET YOUR CHILDREN VACCINATED!! duh.

  2. What re the odds measles was brought into the US by some of the 60,000+ illegals this past summer and fall?


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