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Saturday, January 03, 2015

Pennsylvania Boy's Hunting Wish Granted By Sheriff All the Way in S.C.

Alex Collins thought he was writing a letter to his local sheriff in Chester County, Pa., asking to be able to participate in a program in which kids get to learn how to hunt and fish.

But his mother had actually come across the program on the Facebook page of the Chester County, S.C. Sheriff's Office, not the one in Pennsylvania.

Alex, the son of a single mom, wrote that he had no one to take him hunting, but desperately wanted to learn.

So despite the mix-up, Chester County Sheriff Alex Underwood in South Carolina coordinated with his Pennsylvania counterpart, Sheriff Carolyn Welsh, to make sure Alex got to go hunting for Christmas.



  1. It takes a village............. Pretty cool, for the kid and the Sheriff. Good job.

  2. 6:09 NO it does not take a village it takes conserned parents.You sound like a typical democrat/socialist.

  3. Something wrong with your wiring to be that excited about killing an animal.


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