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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Obama's Free Stuff Army

The lure of something for nothing grows as morality crumbles

Fresh from offering “free” health care, “free” phones and “free” food to the masses, he’s upped the bribery to “free” community college tuition and “free” child care. It’s not that the Clintons oppose any of these; they just need to affect moderation in case Hillary runs for president and has to knock back boilermakers again with the good old boys in Pennsylvania taverns.

Since someone has to pay for these expensive, new entitlements to the Free Stuff Army, Mr. Obama has proposed yet another “tax the rich” scheme that, if enacted (which is unlikely) would eventually plunder working-class families. To liberals, that’s what tax “reform” is all about.

Over a few decades, the U.S. government has morphed into a gigantic income-redistribution machine, the ultimate mugger.

Since the New Deal, the only serious challenge to the mentality of plunder in both major parties came during the Reagan administration. To true believers like Mr. Obama, the Reagan years were a speed bump on the way to transforming America, and something to pretend to admire to keep the suckers ignorant.

Government is necessary because men are not angels. Its legitimate role is to secure justice by punishing evildoers, and to protect property and individual rights. Government does other things, such as delivering mail and public works — things like roads, water and sewage.


1 comment:

  1. Yet a prostitute offering "Free sex", gets arrested and put in jail. (Just because she demands you us a condom , which she sells you for $20)


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