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Sunday, January 04, 2015

Obama: America Has Become ‘Less Racially Divided’ Under My Presidency

Amid racially charged protests and controversial police altercations, President BarackObama said the United States is less racially divided now than before he took office.

NPR released quote excerpts of an interview set to air on “Morning Edition” starting Monday, including one in which host Steve Inskeep asked if the country is more racially divided now compared to when Obama took office six years ago.

“No,” the president answered. “I actually think that it’s probably in its day-to-day interactions less racially divided.”

Inskeep also asked the president about working with a Congress where both houses are controlled by Republicans. Obama offered a familiar answer.



  1. I call B.S. on this one! Less racially divided??? REALLY???? The last 6 months have proven that this country is more racially divided today has it has been in the last 40 years. Less racially divided. HA! Thanks, I needed a laugh today.

    January 20, 2017 - the true end of an error.

  2. what was it that South Carolina congressman yelled out loud on Capitol Hill during Obama's State of the Union Address a couple of years ago? "You Lie"

  3. His advisers treat him like a mushroom....

  4. Being a product of the forced busing program that began in 1972 in the DC Metro area.....I can 100% confirm that racial relations have failed under what should have been the golden moment with the first Black POTUS. This is just one of the many lies he's thrown out there over the last six years. We are closer to the edge of civil unrest than we've ever been.

  5. I can hardly believe he has the nerve to say this, for a man that I once believed in I have found he is racist just like Al Sharpton, he has at no time waited for all the facts to come out. He could not wait for trials and jury decisions he jumped on the racist bandwagon, he is a disgrace to his race.

  6. This guy just plain doesn't have a clue about anything.

  7. It's best not to even listen to him.Even if he is speaking about some disaster he always manages to interject his political agenda.If I can go for the next 2 years without listening to him I will because it's all a deception.

  8. I don't know of anything that has gotten better under his administration.


  10. He must be smoking crack again,

  11. He's already smoking the weed made legal in DC......

  12. Worst President EVER.

  13. Wow! If I wasn't sure before I am now. THE MAN IS ON DRUGS!!!

  14. I'm a black man and that's the biggest lie I've heard in a long time. I'm hearing racial slurs from old white people that I haven't heard since the 70s and 80s. A lot of white folks have been conceding and going along with things just to be fair and peaceful but now thanks to the "chosen" one all is lost. Feels like we're in reverse.

  15. Agree with all of the above but what worries me is that the legions of followers who don't know better will actually believe it.

  16. What alternate universe is this man living in? He has set race relations back 40 years! It will take two generations to just get back to the progress we had made before he was elected. He should be ashamed. His election, rather you liked it or not, showed how far we had come as a nation. Now, even a qualified black candidate, of which he surely was not, would have a hard time getting elected due to his legacy.

  17. This guy is absolutely crazy. The Country is more divided under Obama than any other President on record. He is absolutely insane.

  18. I agree with the President.

  19. Is he talking about Kenya?

    He's got to remember that he's still visiting the States...

  20. Hey 11:55 I'm sorry people treat you badly, but when 12% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime and collects 50% of the welfare, people get tired of it. Those statistics have been constant for 50 years. Again, it's wrong to lump you in with the bad apples, but the real problem is the behavior of the bad apples, not other people's frustration with it.

  21. Country will always be divided.. as long as people continue to hate each other.. business as usual

  22. What is really scary is he might actually believe what he is saying. This means he is not even in touch with reality. Black and white people alike better pray for this country. This is probably our most dangerous time in history concerning external and internal enemies and we have a nut as POTUS.

  23. What is really scary is he might actually believe what he is saying. This means he is not even in touch with reality. Black and white people alike better pray for this country. This is probably our most dangerous time in history concerning external and internal enemies and we have a nut as POTUS.

  24. Simply put he is trying to create a black vs. white situation to create a diversion some other group to take over. Kind of like hitler hating the jews even though he was a jew. Bammy is both black and white and hates both.

  25. Are we really going to let this man, who is using his color as a shield, destroy the USA? He wants a race war. He can only come to his means by ending the US. Think carefully about what he is trying to do? First class war now race war. When we are fighting in the streets against each other - what does he have in store for us? Do not fall into step with his plan.

  26. In my opinion his opinion stinks most likely just like his rear

  27. I was told one time that if you look to your left with your eyes when you are being questioned you are more then likely lieing. Not only does he look left with his eyes but his whole face turns left.map

  28. He has learned that the low intelligence base that voted for him will believe anything he says no matter how ridiculous it is.


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