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Saturday, January 03, 2015

New year may bring more small business help from Washington

NEW YORK (AP) -- Small business owners may get more help from Washington in 2015.

Gridlock in Washington in recent years has stalled tax bills and other legislation aimed at helping small companies, but such proposals are expected to be on the agenda in the Republican-led Congress. Democrats have opposed some proposals because of concerns about the impact of those tax breaks on the federal budget.

Parts of the health care law are likely to be debated. And lawmakers and the Small Business Administration hope to make it easier for companies to borrow.

"Small businesses are looking for government to function and get a lot more done," says John Arensmeyer, CEO of the advocacy group Small Business Majority.

But bills friendly to small businesses may not be a slam-dunk. Senate Democrats will have enough votes to filibuster and block GOP-sponsored legislation, and President Barack Obama can veto bills.


Obama and Republicans support a reduction in the corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent.

But small businesses might not benefit from that, because many company owners are sole proprietors, partners or shareholders in companies who report business income on personal returns.



  1. Same BS every year.

  2. "I'm from the government and i'm here to HELP you.u.u.u. Scarey, isn't it?


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