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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Need help filing out your tax return? Don't call the IRS

WASHINGTON (AP) — Filing a federal tax return is about to get more complicated for millions of families because of President Barack Obama's health law. But they shouldn't expect much help from the Internal Revenue Service.

Got a question for the IRS? Good luck reaching someone by phone. The tax agency says only half of the 100 million people expected to call this year will be able to reach a person.

Callers who do get through may have to wait on hold for 30 minutes or more to talk to someone who will answer only the simplest questions.

"Taxpayers who need help are not getting it, and tax compliance is likely to suffer over the longer term if these problems are not quickly and decisively addressed," said a report Wednesday by agency watchdog Nina E. Olson.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen says budget cuts are forcing the agency to reduce taxpayer services and other functions. The number of audits will decline, technology upgrades will be delayed and the agency might be forced to shut down and furlough workers for two days later this year, Koskinen said.

The IRS will no longer help low-income taxpayers fill out their returns, and tax refunds could be delayed for people who file paper returns.

"It couldn't be worse timing," Koskinen said of the budget cuts.



  1. I don't file taxes anymore . since Obama has screwed up the country , I refuse to support illegals and entitlement blacks.

  2. I called with a question the other night and was on hold 60 minutes. I could not get the representative to understand my question (something they had messed up). After my third time trying to explain my concern, she HUNG UP ON ME. I was livid! I called back and got a recording they were closed.

  3. Typical Liberal way! The IRS is just one of many who are boo hoping about the budget cuts and naturally going to blame it on the Republicans. Next Salisbury University will be boo hooing that they now are forced to cut staff because of the budget and raise tuition.
    IT's a good thing as so many of these liberal workers were making too much anyway and getting every other day off (paid) draining us who are working 70 plus hours a week to stay ahead.

  4. Taxes under Obama (and O'Malley) have gone sky high and yet our services have decreased.

    What do you think is happening?

  5. ”And I’ll tell you, the single most important tax reform, we should abolish the IRS.”

    -Sen. Ted Cruz

  6. Really 10:30? I pay the same taxes I did under Bush.


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