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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Nearly 50 per cent of Japanese adults 'not having sex'

Tired and can't-be-bothered couples are failing to reproduce, worsening the nation's population decline

Nearly 50 per cent of all Japanese adults are not having sex, according to a study, dealing a new blow to government efforts to halt the sliding birth rate.

The report, conducted by the Japan Family Planning Association, determined that 49.3 per cent of the 3,000 people interviewed had not had sex in the previous month.

Of the men interviewed, 48.3 said they had not had sex for a month, while 50.1 per cent of women had abstained. Both figures were up about 5 percentage points from the previous study, conducted in 2012.

Asked why they were not having sex, 21.3 per cent of the married men claimed they were too fatigued after work while 15.7 per cent replied that they were no longer interested in sex after their wives gave birth.

Among the women, 23.8 per cent said sex was "bothersome" and 17.8 blamed being tired from work.



  1. Okay now we have to get our lower poverty class to do the same. Children represent income to them. State needs to cap the limit we give for having children while on government assistance, they're draining the economy.


  3. That's the entire problem, the hard working and intelligent are responsible and are not having children. Thusly, the idiots a drains on society breed out of control, because the nanny welfare state will pay!

  4. Who cares. Worry about what you do not every one else. If people would just step up and take care of them self and stop depending on others to do it for them we would be better off. If you want 10 kids then make sure you handle it. I am so sick of every one from the top (Obama) and on down telling us it is up to all of us to help. If they would give 1% of their money instead of taxing us we would be better off. Yes I am for helping those that need it not those that abuse it. Hate me or tell me I'm wrong that is your right.map

  5. Map, go back and read the other two comments.

    Therein lies the answer.

  6. The animals are going at it like rabbits!

  7. They must be married!!!

    1. I used to have a wife, I traded her in for a new one, years later I got in my car and left her and the stuff behind. Now 30 years later, all alone by my lonesome, I find life is good once again. They never write, they never call, does this mean they didn't really love me?

  8. Overactive work ethic in Japan.

    People too pooped to pop.

  9. 8:37-Give yourself a hand.


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