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Friday, January 02, 2015

Mystery Object Removed From Man's Arm After 51 Years

The surgeon had never seen anything like it.

When 75-year-old Arthur Lampitt of Granite City, Illinois, had an operation on Wednesday to remove a metal object that was lodged in his left arm, no one was quite sure what they'd find.

It turned out to be the turn signal from a 1963 Thunderbird that had been embedded in his arm ever since a car accident more than half a century ago.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch recounted the story of Lampitt's medical mystery, which began one day in 1963 when he was driving his brand-new Thunderbird to work. Lampitt crashed head-on into a large truck, totaling his car and breaking his hip. He also suffered cuts from flying debris and broken glass.



  1. The overly generous homeless guy who went viral has now been declared a hoax.At first this appeared to be a hoax,but it actually happened.How on earth didn't it cause all kinds of pain?

    1. Are you OK. You seem a little out of it

  2. The guy who gave the homeless man the money AND the homeless guy were both in on the hoax.

  3. So the guy with the turn signal lever In his arm was the homeless guy lol

  4. No,the turn signal guy lived in a large 2 story 4 bedroom home actually.

  5. Was he homeless from always turning left?


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