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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Muslim Terrorist Killed While Trying To Hijack Airplane In U.S. And You're Not Being Told About It!

Did you hear about the Muslim man who dressed up like a woman in a burka, had two knives strapped to his legs, and tried to board an airplane and hijack it right in the center of America’s heartland recently? Of course you haven’t, have you? And the reasons why are going to shock, but not really surprise you.

In the first week of January, 2015, a black American Muslim (and gee, now we know why you’re not hearing about this, do we not?), dressed up like a female Muslim, via simply donning a burka and tried to board a plane in Columbus, Ohio at Port Columbus International Airport. The man was acting nervous in a way that “was consistent to the behavior of a terrorist,” according to police records and was denied the right to board.

He left the airport and police confronted this suspicious individual in the parking lot of the airport. It was only then, when the man attacked police with a knife and was shot dead, that his true identity was found out. The man’s name was Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed, and he is pictured below.


  1. No his real name Raqya Deeshanique Jackson. His friends called him RayJack or RJ for short. He was a good kid never killed anybody till he was 19. Hell man give a bro a break.

  2. Yeah give bro a break (broken neck)
    Hopefully 2:33 is being sarcastic or else we really are in trouble as a society.

  3. 1 down. Millions to go. Ugh.

  4. 354, he was shot dead. Why would you put his dead body in the...Oh, never mind! I found a nice wall to talk to!

    See ya!

    Look! a squirrel!

    1. I wouldve went with dead flying chicken.lol

  5. If Obama had a son.

  6. What a wonderful kid not killing anybody until he was 19. He must have been one of the good ones.


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