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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Michael Moore slams snipers as 'military assassins'

Filmmaker Michael Moore has slammed snipers as 'cowards' who 'shoot you in the back' on the same weekend Oscar-tipped movie American Sniper hit cinemas.

Clint Eastwood's biopic of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, starring Bradley Cooper, has become a box office hit since its release last week.

Taking to Twitter in rage, Fahrenheit 9/11 director Moore seethed: 'My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse.'



  1. With his announcement of "My uncle was killed by a sniper in WW II", makes me think his uncle fought for the Nazi's!!

  2. The Germans had snipers too.

  3. Michael Moore: lard.

  4. Michael Moore...conning idiots out of their money for a long time!

  5. Michael Moore BIG target.

  6. I will shoot him for free.

  7. Moore doesnt have a clue. Another extreme Liberal who don't know his ass from a hole in the ground. The American sniper is there to protect ground forces from the enemy sniper type sneaking around to kill US soldiers. Let Ol Fat ASS walk the streets of Iraq with no protection......see how long he thinks our men are cowards then. I wouldnt watch one of his movies if they paid me!! Wake up idiots! We are at war and will always be at war with extremist whether its Islam or folks like Moore that claim to be our own. He's not worth the bullet to shut him up!


  8. America Land of the Free
    Home of the Slave

    Now that is a great slogan people


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