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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Mexican Government To Issue Birth Certificates In The US

On Thursday, the Mexican government began issuing birth certificates to its citizens at its 50 U.S.-based consulates, a move that will make it easier for illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and work permits and to stay in the U.S. under President Obama’s executive amnesty decision.

In the past, Mexican citizens had to obtain their birth certificates from offices in Mexico. Individuals would often have relatives and friends obtain the documents and send them into the U.S.

But with the Mexican government’s help, its U.S.-based citizens will receive documents more quickly, which will help them apply for amnesty under Obama’s plan, which is expected to provide relief from deportation to approximately five million illegal immigrants.



  1. This is Totally Wrong.

  2. This is how we will get stuck with another fake US citizen for president.

  3. Is our government doing this for us down in Mexico?

    I didn't think so...

  4. People , remember the ALAMO!!!!.

  5. This has go to stop. America is turning into a Muslim Meximerica.


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