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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mass Armed Robbery by the NYPD **ADMITTED**

If I stick a gun in your face and say “Hand over $243″, what is that?

The premise of so-called “law enforcement” is that the “low-level” offenses enforced (e.g. an open container of beer, etc) are about enhancing public safety. That is, the way this is sold to you is that enforcing these laws increases public order and, as part and parcel of that, deters crime.

Ok, fine.

If that’s true.

What happens when the police admit in public that it is about no such thing – that is simply about taking money?

“Everyone here is under orders — no time off” during the summons catch-up blitz, said one cop at the 105th Precinct in Queens.

“And the majority of [new] summonses written aren’t protecting the public in any way.

“But now they’re realizing how much revenue the city is losing and they’re enforcing their will upon us,” he said.



  1. When I clicked the more button, I found this is one very strange site. Very weird articles to me.

  2. NYPD isn't the only PD involved in this theft. It's nationwide, from the FBI all the way down to the parking meters.

  3. but it's addressed to people just like you

  4. Losing our rights and liberties. We are government slaves.

  5. Name one specific "right" or "liberty" that has been lost.

    1. If you have to ask then you're an idiotic American.

  6. I believe the city government creates the fines and the police are the ones pressured to enforce the fines. it is not the police's fault

  7. To the retard 5:43 AM:

    I lost the right to put what I want in my own body...

    Lets see, I lost the right to have or not have and to not be forced to have health insurance when i don't need it or can't afford it...

    lets see, I lost the right to go home safe and ALIVE every night bc once i get in my car I am more likely to die by a cop than a terrorist if you do not consider a cop to be one!!!

    Lets see, I lost the right to open and conceal carry in my state, due to my state illegal laws...

    Lets see, We lost the right to privacy in your own home or on your own land...

    Lets see, We lost the right to live off grid...

    Need I go On??????????????????

  8. Answer to the first sentence/question:

  9. 5:43 has his head up his ace so far, gamma rays couldn't reach him.
    Where have you been for the last 20 years, 5:43??
    Have you heard of the Patriot Act?
    Or the NDAA?
    A "specific" right? For starters, the 4th Amendment has been obliterated. We have, without question, lost the right to be "secure in our persons and papers". Warrantless searches are now perfectly legal. The police can (and do) stop innocent citizens on the street, on the highways, in train stations and parking lots, anywhere they want, essentially, to search and question --- without cause, reason, or suspicion -- to check to see IF any crimes are being committed. How can you be okay with THAT??
    How about a right to be tried by a jury of our peers? That right disappeared when we allowed SECRET arrests, "detention", trials, and IMPRISONMENT in secret prisons (yes, right here in the USA). The Bill of Rights has been shredded, and that's not solely my opinion, but that of hundreds of Constitutional scholars.
    YOU, 5:43, are in the group of people who have been SO conditioned, SO brainwashed, and so happy with being spoon fed what you should think, that you aren't even aware of how stupid you sound and how uniformed you seem.
    The "name one right we've lost" mantra was destroyed by facts years ago.
    Come up with something new to show them what a "goot ci-di-zen" you are.....
    Keep cheering. It will get you Gold Stars on your file. They won't help you, but it will make you feel part of the team.


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