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Friday, January 09, 2015

Maryland Public Schools Salary Schedules 2013-2014


  1. Funny how no one is commenting on this since it shows that Wicomico is either in line and sometimes below other counties in the state. Is a shame that ignorant folks around here have to moan about salaries. Doubt other counties have to put up with it.

  2. You know I don't care what people make as long as they work for and do the job with an A+ then good for them. If they want a free ride then get rid of them. As I see do the job you were hired to do in the way it should be done or get out of the way for others. Who did the no child left behind help? Not me or anyone else I know. When you make it easy for someone not have to work for what they want then you end up with what we now have Are you happy now? map

  3. 2:28
    WRONG. They still make to much when you figure in the fact the housing in the rest of the state cost twice if not 3 times as much. They also are more prepared for college when they leave school in other areas. If Wicomico paid based on success rate you wouldn't make minimum wage.

  4. Before one looks at preparation for college, one must look at the demographics of the student population. Counties with high per pupil spending (Wicomico is one of the lowest in the state), low percentage of free and reduced lunch students, low percentage of minorities do much better.

  5. 2:28
    If you are a product of the Wicomico School System, you made your point. You obviously didn't learn the difference between "to" and "too."

  6. 2:56

    Wrong...if you compare Wicomico with "similar" counties based on demographics (i.e. Cecil, St. Mary's to name a few) Wicomico is behind in pay. I realize you can't compare Wicomico to larger counties due to cost of living, rent, mortgage, etc but "like" counties show that we are in line or behind.

  7. 5:08
    Any county across the bridge is going to cost you more to live there. Even counties in Southern Maryland. Any county across the bridge also turns out a better prepared student.


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