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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lost Dog 1-19-15: UPDATE

Last seen on St. George road in Delmar Delaware. 


  1. Hope you find your beloved pet. Please put identification on him. Can use a permanent marker and write name and phone number on the collar. Put up a reward sign. Good luck!

  2. Prayers for the safe return of that adorable pup.

  3. He doesn't like the Redskins either.

  4. 12:16 bossy much? who said he did not have ID on him? Who said he didn't make signs? Why does he need to offer a reward? Could the dog not be returned simply on principal? I would not expect to get paid if I found someones dog and returned it, you do it because it is the right thing, not because of money.

  5. If you can get on facebook please post the pic on lost pets er they have a very high success rate

  6. There was a black dog about this size running down Holt Road heading towards Morris Leonard Road tonight when we were going to the mall. He had on a red collar.

  7. Thank you guys for the tips still no luck when searching these locations please keep spreading the word thanks again for all the help

  8. Owner had been reunited with pet! Thanks!

  9. Hooray! Thanks, Joe!You always save those pets!

  10. I am so happy for the pup and the owner!!!

    Joe, this service of yours is wonderful. While I don't think it responsible for each and every return, I know it does do a LOT of good and helps many. I just wanted to say thank you.

  11. 9:40's contribution is being a spelling nazi. That'll help. Trolls trolls everywhere.

    We got 8:39's point, no need for your petty spelling lesson.

    Must be a pretty awful life you lead if this is all you have to contribute to the conversation.

  12. Joe you must truly understand how it feels to lose a beloved pet. Thank you cause so many probably wouldn't consider it newsworthy.


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