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Sunday, January 11, 2015


Aren’t you tired of it? The constant mistakes made by the local media who think they are SOOOOOO professional. I feel sorry for the people who don’t read SBYNEWS, because they only know the misrepresentations that they pick up from The Daily Times, WBOC and WMDT.

ONCE AND FOR ALL, to the Daily Times and WBOC – Bob Culver DID NOT fire Tamara Lee-Brooks. She was terminated the night before Culver was sworn-in, therefore it was done on Pollitt’s watch, not Culver’s. Why is that FACT so hard for the MSM to get? Culver did have plans to abolish the position, but the Pollitt regime acted FIRST! Rumor is it was done to help her with unemployment. For whatever reason, the FACT REMAINS, Pollitt did it!

Phil Davis of the Daily Times has repeatedly put in print that Culver “fired” Lee-Brooks. WBOC’s Bill Mich repeated that on the January 7th 6 p.m. news. If you believe in ACCURATE reporting, get your facts straight. If you want to be “investigative” reporters, ask Strausburg why Polllitt’s regime let her go at 7 p.m. the night before Culver’s swearing-in. Did they have a reason?

When it comes to the Transition Team press release, SBYNEWS printed it as it was received. In various online versions, Phil Davis has referred to the members as “county employees” and “elected officials”. That implies that current employees and current office holders are on the team. This is not so. There are two former employees who have been out of government for at least 3 ½ years, one of whom is a professional engineer, and the only “elected” official, is former Councilwoman Gail Bartkovich.

In an online list of the transition team members, Phil Davis edited out their credentials – MBAs, CPA, Juris Doctorate. I would think the credentials of the members are important, particularly if you are not familiar with the names. Davis ADDED to Robert Moore that he is Chair of the SU Foundation. Wonder why he felt the need to do that when he didn’t include civic activities for others? If you are going to print a story and are basing it on a press release – DON’T EDIT IT TO SUIT YOURSELF!!

How about the headline “Culver Continues Cleaning House”? So far, there was one let go by Pollitt, Mackes retired and Bob has terminated two. Davis reported both were terminated on Tuesday. Actually, Mackel was let go on Monday. Even if he were responsible for all 4, there are over 900 county employees counting part-time workers. I hardly think 4 employees leaving is “cleaning house”. Is it because 3 of them were department heads that it qualifies as a “house cleaning”? What don’t they call it that when the Governor replaces department heads?

Many of these things may seem inconsequential in the scheme of things. However, if you can’t be trusted to get the small details right, how can you be trusted with the big things? The problem is the media, particularly the Daily Times, is LIBERAL. They will do anything they can to make the Republican look bad, regardless of the fact their community VOTED HIM IN OFFICE. It is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE for change. Since Pollitt was the first Executive and a change in administration has not been experienced before, Culver is catching heat for doing what any newly Executive would do. This is how it works people – this is American politics! Of course, that doesn’t matter to the liberal media. These people don’t report “news”, they report their SPIN.

If you think I’m wrong, why do they continue to use pictures of Bob in his restaurant in a casual shirt? He is the COUNTY EXECUTIVE, if they can’t respect the man, at least show some respect for the office. They have professional photos they could use. What is their subliminal message – that Bob continues to work at the restaurant? NOT TRUE! He arrives at the County office building by 6:30 a.m. on most days and doesn’t get back home to well after 7 p.m. most nights. So why, a month after he was sworn-in, do we keep seeing photos of him at his restaurant. PEOPLE DON’T BE FOOLED BY WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO!

If you want the truth and the facts and don’t want re-hashed news that is a couple days old, keep coming to SBYNEWS.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Amen Joe! You are so right. Culver is being criticized for doing what the voters want him to do - that's just crazy! The losers can't stand that they lost. I hope there are more department heads replaced I can think of at least one more than is incompetent. I also don't think we need an administrator and deputy administrator. We aren't a major county with huge population. You are right. Culver is doing what any other newly elected executive would do. It is our rinky-dink media that wants to make something out of it. As far as the photos, each time I think - why are they showing him at this restaurant. I agree they are trying to subtly say something. Shame on all of them! Maybe now they will see the public isn't a dumb as they think. Thank you for posting.

  3. Attention to detail is important - especially from media. How can you trust what they are saying if they get the fine points wrong?

  4. I only come here to get news. You have it first and you have it right Thanks Joe.

  5. I don't understand why they wouldn't print credentials of team. I didn't know a couple of the names and it would have been nice to know their educational background. For something like this, that is important. You just have to shake your head at the decisions MSM make.

  6. Interestingly, there are so few who will openly admit reading sbynews but those who won't know who you are and we all read it because the news is available days before it hits The Daily Times and the tv stations. But most importantly the facts are correct when it is published here. I am also sick and tired of the liberal media reporting their version rather than the truth. Thanks for this post.

  7. What do u expect coming from liberal fake news papers joe...???

  8. I'm afraid I cant wrap my arms around whats going on. I've known him too long and the people he is eliminating. The people that have been affected have invested their lives into this county and served it well. They were even approved by the councilman turned executive. I personally list it as a ruthless business tycoon with no feelings for anyone of the previous administration.

  9. tsk..tsk... 914AM. Must be another one of Tricky Rick's entourage!

  10. MSM outlets are lame. Very interesting to see Susan Parker negatively commenting concerning Mr. Culver on friends Facebook pages. As a sitting community conversation editor for the daily rag how can anybody expect unbiased reporting. The paper and Parker are disgusting.

  11. 9:14am Spot-0n. I so very much agree with your comments. I've known all of these people, especially Bob, for my whole life. I'm not understanding any of this. The only answer I've been given so far is they don't have the same vision as Bob. Isn't Bob their BOSS & he can decide how to steer this ship?

  12. Joe, honestly, you do not have to worry. People with any intelligence come here for the news, we know who and what to believe and who and what to discredit. Just keep on reporting, people are watching and listening to what you report.

  13. Even the new "Independent" has a slant to it.

    Thanks for getting it straight and first Joe!

  14. WBOC never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity,because they have access to the correct information but because of some crazy agenda they refuse to let the rest of us in on it.Thank you Joe for letting the rest of us in on it.

  15. 9:56, I for one feel very sorry for Steve Hammond.

    Steve is outstanding at his job and I'm confident that IF he knew the staff there was feeding him inaccurate information he'd be ticked. Of course, they now have Joe Carmean deciding what they will or won't air, so that may be a large part of the problem.

    I was watching two days ago when they were stating all kinds of false information and I became very upset because IF someone had just made ONE phone call it would have been cleared up immediately. Instead, they either have an agenda or they are trusting someone who is lying to them.

    Get on them Steve, they are making you look bad and I know that is not something you want.

  16. Mr. Culver, our new County Executive, voted in by, "we the people", has Every right to surround himself with people he wants to work with. To the sissy comment above regarding "feelings", get real. A leader can't go on feelings.

    Mr. Culver ran on a conservative view of government; a government that does NOT continue spending what they don't have; unless, of course, they get it from YOU and ME in the form of regs, taxes and fees. A government that will make it Business Friendly so we can get this local economy growing and moving. Get It YET??? I sure hope so, because this should be a no brainer. Have a blessed day.

    Now a comment on SBYnews vs. The Daily Pravda. Hands down, SBYnews. Thanks Joe and TEAM...

  17. 9:14, 9:23...I've known Bob & Lee as well. If Bob voted for Lee, I assume he thought Lee could handle the position. My guess is that none of this was easy for Bob & there is MORE to the story. Has anyone thought maybe he wasn't doing his job or Bob knows something we don't know.

  18. I am hoping he keeps cleaning house. Hopefully Konrad is next.

  19. 10:41 it continues to amaze me that people criticize an elected official for doing what the people of Wicomico County elected him to do. Are any of these people paying attention to what Gov-elect Hogan is doing in Annapolis? There won't be one department head left of O'Malley's when Hogan takes office. He will have the team surrounding him that supports his vision. In Wicomico there likely will be some that survive. And when Bob's term us over the incoming replacement will do the same thing. This is the first time we have had a change of leadership since the new form of government came in to effect 8 years ago. Have patience and let's see the results these changes provides.

  20. We all voted for Bob and he is doing his job. Bob is doing his job and if he needs our input he will ask for it. There will always be someone trying to knock the guy on top off. Hang in there Bob we are with you.

  21. Hey all the pictures of Bobs restaurant is free advertising. Bet they didn't think of that. :)

  22. 11:30, Thanks for commenting DT's Staff.

  23. 8:59 AM said
    "Attention to detail is important - especially from media. How can you trust what they are saying if they get the fine points wrong?"

    Sometimes the media gets things wrong like the NY Daily News did on Tuesday when they mistakenly accused WBOC of being a news organization in their story, "FBI investigates ISIS hacker group Cyber Caliphate following a series of hacks on news organizations in Maryland, Albuquerque".

    But The Daily Times leaving out the credentials of the transition team is a deliberate omission. They don't want their readers to know that Culver is appointing qualified, successful people.

  24. 1:06 you are absolutely on target. How does someone like our new executive get a fair shake with the likes of The Daily Times and WBOC when he has interviewed many times being very open about his plans. I have watched and read articles on him and he is very open with his comments almost to the fault. I voted for the man because I was tired of the same BS that existed and am pleased that he is fulfilling what he promised in his campaign. Sorry if those who didn't support can't stand to tell the truth now.

  25. I wouldn't ever judge someone by what they wear anyway. If he does his job I wouldn't care if he showed up to work in thermals and slippers.

    A failure in a three piece suit is still a failure.

    What would be wrong or unprofessional if he did still work at a restaurant?

    Why do we insist on hiring professional politicians instead of the average joe?

  26. Go Bob and more important GO JOE. map

  27. 9:14 - YOU are hilarious. First, I'm sure Culver would be happy to know you consider him a business tycoon. Second, these people who have invested their lives in the county - Mackle department head for 3 years or so and Beauchamp for 18 months or so. Big investment - ROFLMAO. YOU are obviously one of the insiders who have screwed this county up. Mackes may have invested a lot of time in the county, but he was considered arrogant, not liked by many employees, volunteers and citizens and was a big self-promoter. Also, you ASSume that you know all there is to know about the reasons these two were let go. It just could be that Beauchamp was done a favor by being let go "at will" rather than terminated "for cause" - same for Mackle. Unless you are Culver, you don't know the real reason for termination. Your comments are completely uninformed and slanted to the bias view of the few who have been taxing and spending and sucking the life out of the taxpayers. Go wrap your arms around another beer - or should I say whine - LOL. We know who you are.

  28. I continue to be perplexed as to why people are outraged that Culver is making changes. THAT IS WHAT THE VOTERS ELECTED HIM TO DO AND NOT BY A SMALL MARGIN EITHER!!!! The media is trying to make a big deal out of nothing and all the "sky is falling" mentality from the likes of RINO Matt Holloway and other Pollitt/Democratic system-suckers can only mean they HAVE been abusing the system and now they can't. Good for Culver for shaking up the bloated status quo. Who needs these self-important kids who think they know it all telling the real grown-ups how to run things? Signed, DISGUSTED

  29. I think the problem is although we voted in an Executive form of government 8 years ago, Pollitt was never an executive. He kept the same old tired people in place, so really - nothing changed. That is why there is such an outcry now, because FINALLY we are seeing an executive with a mandate for change. I applaud Culver. He has a terrible job ahead of him. The entrenched bureaucrats, including the likes of relative newcomer Strausberg, are going to fight him all the way. More cleaning house needs to be done. I would like to see more professionals with experience offer to step up like the transition team. It has to be a daunting task. Those of us who voted for Culver need to continue to give him our support.

  30. Change is always scary and some people adjust to change better than others. From what I understand, the employees in Wicomico County enjoy some of the best benefits in the state. The little group that has controlled this county for so long have taken care of themselves and each other. Remember the incredible sweetheart retirement deal of 3 1/2 years ago. That was orchestrated by Shea and Peterson with Pollitt's blessing. Five years were added to their retirement for those who took it. We are paying some people more than $85,000 in retirement plus paying for 85% of their health insurance and 75% for their spouse. This is the legacy that Pollitt left because he was not a businessman, but a career bureaucrat. This is why that crowd dislikes Culver so. If I'm not mistaken, he voted against this retirement deal. They are afraid that he will cut off the pipeline. By the way, foxes in the hen house - both Shea and Peterson took the incredible retirement package. Borderline corrupt, if not completely corrupt if you ask me. I feel sorry for Culver. I'm sure he is finding the county is a bigger mess and in much worse shape that most of us could ever imagine. Just like the state.

  31. 4:28 Exactly! Pollitt was an empty suit. He didn't even show up at work most days until 10 a.m. This is really our first experience with an executive form of government. You can see who the pigs are by the way they are squealing about it.

  32. The voters spoke, get over it. Never seen such a bunch of poor losers.

  33. Joe why isnt Culver utilizing you more after all it was because of you he won.

  34. My only comment here is you wrote, " He is the COUNTY EXECUTIVE, if they can’t respect the man, at least show some respect for the office."
    When do you think the president deserves a smidge of respect???

  35. 4:07pm No, you are the one who is hilarious. First off, I'm the "Poster Boy" for 9:14am. No slant about it & I'm not part of the "inside group." I know more than I care to know. Don't underestimate me. And, by the way, no beer or whine for me. I like my Scotch on the Rocks.

    Joe, how come you weren't asked to be on that Transition Team for Bob? Since you got him elected, you would have been a great addition to that "TEAM"

  36. Matt Holloway and John Cannon are already sniping at Bob Culver in the Daily Times this week.

  37. Joe --

    FYI. Besides Greg Bassett, Steve Hammond is the biggrst buffoon in the local mainstream media.

  38. To all the people pontificating on the fact that Culver may have the right to terminate department heads, but doing so showed bad judgment (Mike Dunn are you reading this?), please consider this. Just because you are personal friends with someone or have a public perception of how they are doing their job, it does not mean that perception is reality. Culver is privy to information those posting and opining are not privy to especially the media. He also has a very accomplished transition team that are capable of separating facts from fiction. I am willing to give them all the benefit of the doubt, why can't you? You are doing a terrible disservice to Wicomico County by saying his decisions are politically based. None of us know the information Culver may have. To assume his decisions are politically motivated only makes the proverbial @ss out of you and me. The fact that Culver supported the hiring of Beauchamp and now has terminated him indicates to a normal person (one who isn't working an agenda) that something happened that caused Culver to change his opinion. Are you so blinded by your own politics that you can't even consider that there may be something you don't know? Dunn says he wants Culver to succeed. If true, he should have considered the fact that he may not know all there is to know instead of saying "we don't do that here". I get it. You are friends with these people. That fact doesn't mean Culver's decisions weren't in the best interest of the county.

  39. Not much intelligence around these parts to be insulted. Actually, they insult themselves just by opening their mouths and speaking. Most often without knowing what they are talking about. Just something they 'heard'.

  40. Chuck Cook

    January 8 at 12:05pm · Edited ·

    And the Bob Culver Guillotine keeps going.
    Thanks, Tea Party Executive.
    Lee is an outstanding director with an eye for the future. So, it only makes sense to get rid of him if you live in Tea Party land.
    *note, the picture is of Councilman Holloway, not Bobby Tea Party Culver.

    "Wicomico council surprised over county firings" Delmarvanow.com Link
    Liked by Tracy Pollitt, Ben Rayne(wife of Sarah Rayne), Sarah Meyers(City employee at Poplar Hill Mansion) and others.

    Jessie Trostle Cocci - Yep. This is sickening. Wonder what direction he's heading? Cuz Lee was doing crazy cool stuff!! Culver wants to go in a 'new' direction. Hmm. I thought Lee was doing a great job of that.
    January 8 at 12:23pm · Like · 2

    Jessie Trostle Cocci - I'm very redundant. I feel so strongly about it I have to say it twice.
    January 8 at 12:23pm · Like

    Bill Duck - As soon as I saw he wanted to do a solar project, I knew that's why Culver canned him. For some reason, conservatives hate saving money with solar power. Never figured that one out.
    January 8 at 1:02pm · Like · 1

    Chuck Cook - Because that is dirty hippy talk, Duck. Everyone knows that fracking is cool and solar is for Communists.
    January 8 at 1:06pm · Like · 13
    Liked by Jake Day, Lee Whaley(Sarbanes and other Dems you know what)

    Ray Perdue - Well when you have depletable resources you have to use those up first.
    January 8 at 1:14pm · Like · 5

    Chuck Cook - The sun is going to go red giant and engulf the Earth in 4 billion years, Ray. So, time is of the essence in harvesting all those sun rays.
    January 8 at 1:23pm · Like

    Jonathan Topping - The sun is going to turn "red" one day....it's just waiting to engulf us in its horrible brand of socialism.
    January 8 at 1:55pm · Like · 1

    Nicholas Blendy - I assume morale is taking a real beating among county employees. I'd recommend that anyone stay away from working for Culver, if possible.
    January 8 at 2:55pm · Like · 2

    Tracy Pollitt - I love the tea party middle name - I believe this is nothing compared to what we will see!
    January 8 at 5:57pm · Like · 2

    Chuck Cook - Gonna be a tough four years for Wicomico taxpayers.
    January 8 at 5:59pm · Like · 3
    Liked by Tracy Pollitt

    Rich Hall Elections have consequences.
    15 hrs · Like

  41. Hey Tracy, I wonder if we should let the rejected comments through now about your past mental issues?

  42. Joe 7:22 PM I totally agree that we should. Please do.

  43. Some of Chuck Cooks friends are at it again on FB and OneSalisbury. They are putting down the leadership in Wicomico County and stating that the City leadership is much better. Jake Day clicks "LIKE" for his vote of approval.

    Alex Wersen‎Chuck Cook

    Yesterday at 9:18am · Salisbury, MD ·

    Sickening. Fortunately, I trust the movement you guys have gotten going in our city to hopefully thwart the forceful hands of the ignorant, greedy, and power hungry that are determined to ruin our country and now our city. Jake Jacob Day Jim Ireton

    Donald Trump, say hello to Bob Culver!

    The phrase that ushered 'The Donald' into our collective consciousness about a decade ago is...back! "You're Fired!" has become Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver's most ubiquitous - and most impactful - utterance in his first month in office. And it has more than a few people in and around One Salisbury scratching their heads and asking: "To what end?" And..."What's next?"

    In the last week, Culver has fired Public Works Director Lee Beauchamp and Finance Director Andy Mackel. They join Tamara Lee-Brooks, the county's former Public Information Officer who Culver fired in his first week on the job in December, and Gary Mackes, the former head of the county's Recreation Parks and Tourism office who resigned December 31st, as high profile county employees who will not be part of Culver's team in the next four years...

    Chuck Cook and 7 others like this.

    Chuck Cook - Thankfully, our city leaders are much more measured in how they conduct business.
    Yesterday at 10:58am · Like · 1
    Liked by Jake Day of course.

    Travis Sterling - Who is he putting into these positions?
    Yesterday at 11:07am · Edited · Like

    Alex Wersen - And thank you, Jason Ward, for both sharing the article and clearly caring more about your hometown than many of our current local residents and "leaders". Can't wait for us all to have a good rant session someday!
    Yesterday at 11:07am · Like

    Travis Sterling - Oh btw, Alex, I finally heard you guys for the first time ever while I was home. You guys are awesome. Just thought I'd awkwardly hijack this article to tell you haha
    Yesterday at 11:08am · Like · 4

    Alex Wersen - I appreciate it, Travis Sterling! Thank you.
    Yesterday at 11:22am · Like · 2

    Mike Pusey - I'm still waiting to hear details on this "new direction" Mr. Culver is taking us in.
    Yesterday at 11:30am · Like · 4

    Mike Pusey - Good article, btw.
    Yesterday at 11:34am · Like

    Chuck Cook - I just don't get the firing of Lee. That guy was a SOLID public works director. And Culver was his reference for getting hired. Double U Tee Eff.
    Yesterday at 12:04pm · Like · 9


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