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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Little Girl Dies After Flu Shot Injection

Media purposefully ignores lethal adverse reactions to vaccines

Once again the medical industrial complex is pushing the flu scare to new heights.

Unfortunately parents, the elderly and the ignorant will roll up their sleeves and their children’s to inject this toxic cocktail into their bodies.

Every year Infowars is forced to keep account of the victims who are dead or debilitated by flu vaccines. Leave it to the mainstream media to run cover for the eugenics mafia and not ask the obvious hard questions of the by-design side effects of this deadly shot. RIP victims of the New World Order.



  1. Where's the outcry? One child... one child... If our legislation saves just one child... it worked. Pelosi? Feinstein? Reid? Oh wait... big pharma went in dry on you years ago.

  2. Thank you Joe for this article. I have been suspicious of this shot for some time. Some years back a friend of mines mother had the flu shot and within an hour she was dead (some kind of reaction). Then a few years ago my husband took the flu shot on advice from his heart doctor. Within 3 days he was the sickest he has ever been. He never gets sick. I have always refused that shot. I did have a pneumonia shot with no effects though.

  3. I feel if "they" say you need it and you won't get it or it will help prevent the flu then I don't need it. I worked where I had to get it and each time I got sick. So now I have been retired for 3 years and never got the shot and have not been sick one time. map

  4. 90% + of those reading this have gotten their flu shot already.Some wise old owl suggested it to them and they had no better sense than to be a lemming and get it.

  5. My Dr. 'convinced' me to get the flu shot. Now my tinnitus has resurfaced terribly. Too late as it is a side affect of the shot.

  6. It's the most useless vaccine ever dreamed up. Huge money maker though.
    Best thing to do-even better than any flu vaccine-is to not touch your face with your hands.
    Now if someone could figure out a way to get children to abide by this the flu would be nearly wiped out.


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