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Friday, January 02, 2015

Justin Amash: 4 questions and answers before GOP takes control of 2015 Congress

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — When U.S. Rep. Justin Amash entered Congress in 2010many saw him as destined for the Beltway fringe, but during his first two terms in office, the Cascade Township Republican has built a libertarian following and worked his way into the national conversation.

The talk has come from his staunch advocacy for civil liberties and establishing a leadership style lauded by independents and others who have often branded him "the next Ron Paul."

But he's also faced harsh criticism by the longest-serving members, including Arizona Sen. John McCain, who famously labeled Amash and others "wacko birds."

Locally, Amash's vote totals continue to show his popularity and his passion, as shown in this primary victory speech aimed at Brian Ellis, for remaking the federal bureaucracy remains high.

He frequently clashes with party-line votes by either going against leadership or simplyvoting "present" as he did in 2013 and 2014 measures to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline. Amash broke away in those votes and others when legislation singles out a particular company or group, something he considers unconstitutional

Amash, in a recent interview, showed that his direction will not change as he enters his third term in the U.S. House.


1 comment:

  1. They are scared turdless in DC of the tea party types..it really comes down to the gravy trains of waste that these incumbents stick us with..TAX ENOUGH ALREADY...means an end to the madness and they hate it.


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