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Monday, January 19, 2015

ISIS executions show medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West

Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS.

The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.

Charges found against the accused were announced by a masked Islamic State fighter, using a small handheld radio. Reading from a list, he declares the men are guilty of engaging in homosexual activities and should be punished by death, in accordance with Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law.

Down on the ground, two men accused of banditry have been tied to makeshift metal crosses.

Strung up tightly with yellow and green ribbon around their wrists, the men were hanged from the crosses, wincing in agony’



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