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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is the White House a ‘Sleeper Cell’?

I’m still trying to figure out why Obama — or any high-level U. S. government official other than Eric Holder, who was in Paris but evidently had better things to do — didn’t join the nearly 4 million people who marched throughout France protesting the terror killings at #CharlieHebdo and the Hyper Cacher market. White House press secretary Josh Earnest has admitted the mistake and apologized (perhaps a little wishy-washily, but we’ll give him a pass), informing us that, unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough time to arrange presidential security for the trip.

That’s interesting. Somehow there was time for security for 40 or so other world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel (arguably the most highly regarded politician on the planet at the moment and the de facto president of the EU), the UK’s David Cameron, Spain’s Mariano Rajoy and even Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu (probably a considerably bigger target than Obama these days and not exactly welcomed by France’s President Hollande, if reports are correct). Of course, the “American president” is supposedly more important but — correct me if I’m wrong — Obama was not originally so gung-ho on American exceptionalism, equating it with British exceptionalism and Greek exceptionalism, etc., etc. All countries, after all, feel they are exceptional.

Well, he’s changed his mind on this several times, so who’s to say? And there was a game on. I’m a sports fan, too, tennis more than football (wimpy, huh?), so I understand. You’d have trouble prying me away from the Australian Open when it starts next week. (Djokovic and Nadal ain’t so wimpy.) But still, in the event of one of the biggest and ugliest terror events in recent years, if I were president, I hope I’d TiVo a couple of rounds.

Just yesterday I theorized the real reason Obama didn’t go is he just couldn’t put the words “Islamic” and “terrorism” together in one sentence even if, forgive the tired image, it hit him in the face. (The exception of course being when insisting that something is NOT Islam.) He just can’t handle it after nearly fifty years of virtually non-stop anti-imperialist programming. His mind would fly apart if he had to utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” which French PM Valls, and any honest person, was quite willing to do.

Now I admit that was just a supposition. Just because I’ve never heard him link Islam and terror doesn’t mean in his heart of hearts he doesn’t. Though not a genius, he does have an IQ in triple digits and sees what’s right in front of his nose, I assume. He just interprets it differently. But why?

Is someone whispering in his ear?



  1. I do believe he and his staff are connected to Islam or muslim terrorist. His 6 year accomplishments have only been to degrade America and ruin every part of our system of checks and balances.
    It's so easy to compare our society now and before he took office.
    We have governed our selves with the constitution as out political bible. It has worked fine for over 230 years. It wasn't broke so why has he tried to fix it?
    Our lovely Congress has fueled his wants to the point of no return .
    You hit the nail on the head , years ago , we are doomed as a free country. Civil unrest and war is upon us .
    Those that have not prepared will rot in the streets and on the lands. satan(Obama) has done his will.

  2. You're not the only one thinking that, Bub.

  3. @ 5:40 To him it is broken.
    Our system dislikes his counter culture
    political terrorism, so he feels the need to make it more alternative (Communist,Marxist, Islamofascist) friendly.
    In other words, Obama is the ENEMY.

  4. History will show that he is Muslim and non citizen. It took 3 years to produce a birth certificate that looked like a 2 year old filled it out. What really gets me is how blind the demercrats follow him and the Republicans just give lip service.

  5. his administration is the true definition of work place violence! they have single handedly done more damage than the enemy could have imagined

  6. Obama is a traitor!!

  7. He won't say muslim terrorists because he was born and raised a muslim.He only claims to be a christian for political reasons,I hope he dies soon and rots in hell.

  8. Yes, and I've been thinking this for a long time. I also think there are many, many politicians out there, (rep and dem) on board with destroying the US as we know it.

  9. Shut up and take it!!!


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