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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is the Stock Bubble Bursting?

Houston we have a problem…

For most of the “recovery,” the inflation trade was relatively correlated with high yield credit and stocks moving alongside economically sensitive commodities such as Oil and Copper.

This all fell apart in early 2013. From that point onwards, according to Oil, Copper, and credit, the economy flat-lined. In contrast, stocks kept chugging along, oblivious.


1 comment:

  1. "...chugging along..."?
    Insider manipulation.
    They are getting ready to clean out the accounts of "we, the people" again.
    A "correction" is what they call it.
    Skimming is what the mafia calls it.
    Ok. Congress, banks, the mafia.
    They can easily be used interchangeably.
    EXCEPT for "your guy". But you refuse to look at his "contributor" list and his subsequent voting record.
    I suppose you just want to remain in that deaf, dumb, and blind mode.
    Interrupted occasionally by your full-throated cheering.
    You are going to be SO sorry....


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