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Saturday, January 03, 2015

ICE touts success of smartphone app to catch child predators

WASHINGTON (WJLA) – As we begin 2015, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is touting the success of a smartphone app designed to catch child predators; 2014 marked its first year of use.

This free app is called Operation Predator. It’s available for iPhone and Android devices, and can be found in your app store. This is considered a “first of its kind” for U.S. Federal law enforcement. It marks a new way of thinking when it comes to keeping our kids safe.

“Our goal is to get the bad guys,” said Brian Hale, with ICE.

For years, advances in technology have made it much easier for predators to prey on children. But now, that same technology is making it easier to catch those predators.


1 comment:

  1. Our taxes pays for an app and we have to pay $99 to use it?


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