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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Huckabee slams Obama for letting daughters listen to Beyoncé

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has accused President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, of double standards in parenting, saying in an interview published Tuesday that the first family shelters its daughters from some things but allows them to listen to the music of Beyoncé.

The sharp rhetoric signals that, should he run for the Republican presidential nomination, Huckabee would make cultural and social issues the cornerstones of his campaign.

While promoting his new book, the former Baptist pastor told People magazine, “I don’t understand how on one hand they can be such doting parents and so careful about the intake of everything — how much broccoli they eat and where they go to school … and yet they don’t see anything that might not be suitable” in Beyoncé’s lyrics. He also said Beyoncé’s choreography is “best left for the privacy of her bedroom.”

In his book, Huckabee describes the Grammy Award-winning Beyoncé’s lyrics as “obnoxious and toxic mental poison.” He also accuses Beyoncé’s husband, rapper Jay-Z, of “exploiting his wife” like a “pimp.”



  1. Who cares? ??? I don't listen to her my wife does. WHO CARES?????????????

  2. Because Beyoncé is just plain filth!
    Scum "music" from a scum person!

  3. 5:50 I agree. Is there anyone out there who cares what I listen to? Of course not. Someone has too much time on their hands. Who really cares what ANYONE listens to.

  4. Well, you really should care and be attentive to what your children listen to.

  5. Does he want to outlaw dancing too? I wouldn't be surprised.

  6. Yup, this a really important issue and why I want to run for President. What a joke.

  7. Huckabee--the bastion of good parenting. He maybe should have had some concern when his son brutalized and then killed a dog while a boy scout counselor at a scout camp (son was 17). His son was fired and Huckabee tried to get the crime covered up.

  8. He reminds me of Gomer Pyle.

  9. Hearing the immoral minority whimper is music to my ears.


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