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Friday, January 09, 2015

Hogan Taps Former Rival For Cabinet

There are some familiar names in the latest list of cabinet picks by Governor-elect Larry Hogan.

Hogan named the four appointments at a news conference today.

David Craig served from 2005-2014 as Harford County Executive, and he finished second to Larry Hogan in last year's Republican primary.

Craig is Governor-elect Hogan's choice to be the secretary of the Department of Planning.



  1. Great appointment

  2. By-By Richard Hall -- good riddance!

  3. There is no question that Rich Hall and his liberal agenda were terrible for rural Maryland! At the very time rural Maryland's economy was struggling and needed a shot in the arm, he came up with a massive set of costly regulations shackling Maryland's economy to a concrete ball headed to the bottom of the Chesapeake Bay. Since then business and people with money are bailing on the State left and right. At least six of the Counties have not adopted the maps required by the 2012 regulation. Talbot County and Maryland Department of Planning are being sued for $10,000,000! I don't know about you, but if that money is lost I hope it is taken direct from his retirement, if he is eligible for any!


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