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Saturday, January 24, 2015


Back in the 50’s, they had an annual dinner for the local baseball leagues that was far superior to the functions they have today. This was when baseball was played “for the love of the game”. In those days, when you asked for an autograph, it was a gesture of honor to the player you were asking. How things have changed. And you could read every name signed on your program. There was no charge to get anyone to sign. I imagine they came just for the free chicken dinner. The following are some of the attendees at those long ago dinners.

Little League Banquet - February 7, 1956

Ron Waller

Dick Porter

Billy Werber

Poke Whalen

Billy Hunter

Pony League Banquet - January 27, 1956

Joe E. Brown

Benny Bengough

Tommy Byrne

Del Ennis

Willie Jones

Frank Powell

Frank “Home Run” Baker

Dick Porter

Jake Flowers

Little League Banquet - February 5, 1957

Ernie Harwell

Gus Triandos

John Andre

Bill Nicholson

Jim Mutscheller

Frank “Home Run” Baker

Bill Walsingham

Pony League Banquet - January 15, 1957

Lefty Gomez

Benny Bengough

Stan Lopata

Sal Maglie

Curt Simmons

Frank Powell

Pony League Banquet – January 14, 1958

Don Kellett

Harry Anderson

Frank “Home Run” Baker

Benny Bengough

Lew Burdette

Ed Calhoun

Jack Sanford

Frank Powell

Bill Talbert

Frank Roberts

“Wiffy” Cox


  1. Sis & I served them dinner, much to our pleasure!
    (with other hs girls, of course.)

  2. Just to guage these celebrations fairly,did any of the attendees eventually go pro?

  3. Gus Triandos was a catcher / 1st baseman for the Orioles.
    I remember when I received a trophy from Brooks Robinson at a banquet when our team came in first place.
    This was when I played for the Salvation Army. I forgot what year that was but I believe it was around 1966 - 67.
    Brooks made every player there feel special.
    Boy times kave really changed

  4. Did they play with underinflated balls like the do now?

  5. sal maglie played for the new york giants and i think tommy byrne played for the brooklyn dodgers both were pitchers

  6. sorry tommy byrne pitched mostly for the new york yankees

  7. Yeah that was back when you had to try out for the team and if you didn't make it, tough titty. You played harder and tried out next year.

    Unlike today everyone makes Little League just for paying their registration fee and that's why you always have half a team that can't catch or hit the baseball. Everyone gets a trophy just for having their name on the team. UGH!!


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