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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

GOP Retreat: Rep. Jeff Denham Says Party's Quietly Crafting Broad Immigration

The GOP’s most outspoken proponent of comprehensive immigration reform let loose in an interview with reporters here, detailing quiet efforts to draft far-reaching legislation, saying House leadership is “committed” to bringing the hot-button topics on the floor and criticizing President Obama for carrying out too many deportations.

“We’re the party of deportation? Look at this president’s numbers!” Rep. Jeff Denham said.

The California Republican says he is part of a working group laying the ground work to bring forward comprehensive immigration reform, and that top-ranking Republicans are supportive of addressing the full gamut of immigration topics in legislation in 2015.

“I think leadership’s commitment is not only to bring up immigration reform, but to bring it up in multiple different bills. The question is the timing of that and the sequence of those bills,” Denham said.

“We’ve gotta be able to discuss the DREAMers, the 11.5 million that are here today, as well as a Guest Worker program, in the overall discussion of border security,” Denham said, later adding, “We’ve had a working group for quite some time on the various pieces of immigration on doing everything from a comprehensive bill to a step-by-step approach, but finding out who in our conference is actually open to debate and discussion.”


1 comment:

  1. Everyone currently in the country illegally needs to get in line behind everyone applying legally!

    Get rid of the "anchor-baby" provisions that allow parents to come here, drop a womb-turd, and get on the dole!

    Reduce the number of H1B visas and make American companies train and promote their own employees from within!

    Reform the welfare programs to make it financially better to take a lettuce-picking job than drawing welfare....and if you refuse the job, you're on your own! Then allow farmers to fill remaining open harvesting positions with temporary migrant workers - that have the same costs associated with them as citizens - meaning if you don't buy them insurance because of a loophole, you pay the same amount in a fee to the government...no more bass-ackwards incentives...


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