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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Global NSA Surveillance Did Nothing to Prevent Paris Shooting

Total population control, not stopping terrorism, remains primary objective of national security state

Global dragnet surveillance by the world’s most powerful intelligence agencies did nothing to stop three Al Qaeda-linked gunmen from shooting 12 people dead at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Despite this, former CIA and NSA head Michael Hayden wasted no time in pointing fingers Wednesday, telling supporters of the U.S. Constitution to be “sensitive” in their calls for government transparency and accountability.

“Privacy advocates now need to be sensitive that governments that lack power to defend us end up costing us our liberties in addition to our securities,” Hayden told Newsmax TV.

Hayden’s comment hints at the false claim that the NSA is “going dark,” when in reality the agency continues to grow at an exponential rate.



  1. But everything to enable it to happen.

  2. It's not designed to. it's only designed to spy on us


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