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Monday, January 05, 2015

Get ready: The FCC says it will vote on net neutrality in February

Federal regulators looking to place restrictions on Internet providers will introduce and vote on new proposed net neutrality rules in February, Federal Communications Commission officials said Friday.

President Obama's top telecom regulator, Tom Wheeler, told fellow FCC commissioners before the Christmas holiday that he intends to circulate a draft proposal internally next month with an eye toward approving the measure weeks later, said one official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the agency's deliberations are ongoing. The rules are meant to keep broadband providers such as Verizon and Comcast from speeding up or slowing down some Web sites compared to others.

FCC spokeswoman Kim Hart declined to comment on Wheeler's communications with his colleagues, but confirmed the February timetable, which ends weeks of speculation as to when the FCC would make its next move.



  1. Let's look at Net Neutrality.
    Berkeley[dot]edu says:
    Net Neutrality simply put, it is a network design paradigm that argues for broadband network providers to be completely detached from what information is sent over their networks. In essence, it argues that no bit of information should be prioritized over another.
    That sounds like the kind of Internet it's creators probably had in mind.

    All of the ISPs need to be reigned in on, we all have our Comcast & Verizon horror stories, and that is what FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is attempting to do. It's the only thing that I've agreed with this administration about.
    The Internet needs to be transparent and neutral for everyone., and to let the ISPs wright their own regulations is 'the fox guarding the hen house' perhaps worse.

  2. 7:27 you could not be more correct. I fully support the president in his net neutrality policy. If you don't, you are either uneducated, bigoted, working for telecoms, and possibly all three!

  3. 727 & 1044, Net neutrality makes about as much sense as Obamacare by putting 10 million government administrators between the customers and their product. It keeps the present monopoly structure in place and eliminates all competitive efforts one company would use to gain new customers.

    Lie down, sheeple. Nothing to see here. Just keep on voting for the "common good", or as a free people call it, Communism.

  4. members are all democrat appointees. so don't get hopes up.

  5. 616
    Right, so you fit into the uneducated category. The whole point of net neutrality is to PREVENT that from happening!

    There are a couple reasonable ish arguments against net neutrality, but that most certainly is NOT one of them.


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